Tourism Northern Rockies and the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality are closely monitoring the fluid and rapidly evolving Covid-19(Coronavirus) pandemic.

The health, safety, and well-being of our community and our visitors is paramount. We all have a role to play in staying informed and following the guidelines set out by provincial and federal agencies – to keep ourselves, our families, and our communities healthy.

Covid-19 information

  • Visit the Hello BC COVID-19 website for all relevant travel information, including travel advisories, protective measures, and travel and airline updates.
  • If you are a resident or visitor to Northern BC, call the Northern Health COVID-19 Online Clinic and Information Line to help answer questions and concerns at 1-844-645-7811 BEFORE you visit a health care provider.
  • Visit the Health Link BC website for detailed information on COVID-19, including FAQs.
  • Visit the BC Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC) website for the latest on how to prevent the transmission of diseases. Follow BC CDC on Twitter for regular updates: @CDCofBC

Page description: This page contains a message and redirects for Covid-19 health, safety and travel information.